About Me

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My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Baby Boy is ONE!!!

Breckan is now One as of January 28th. He has grown so much over the past 12 months, and learned so many new things. He has 11 teeth to date. 8 in the front and 3 Molars. At his 12 month check up on Friday, He weighed 24 pound and 14 oz. He is off the charts! He started walking early December, and has a growing vocabulary. The more common words are Ma-Ma, Da-Da, sit, dog, Hi, Zack, was-at (what's that), Del... and a few more I can't recall. He can do so much and it is so fun to watch him learn. He loves to point, clap, do the ba-ba thing with his hand and mouth ( ha ha don't know what to call it), and flip his lips with his finger.

It is so hard to leave to work everyday, but I always look forward to our Fridays together, and Breckan always looks forward to his Lazy Saturdays with Daddy.

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He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!