About Me

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My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day with Breckan!!!

This... My very first Mother's Day as a new mom was an amazing day. Not only did I get to spend the day with my family but I got to feel the love of a Mother on this day. I woke up next to my loving husband and baby boy and started to get ready for breakfast with my Sami, My mom and my grandma. And I can downstairs to my little man with a Mother's day present.. Just for me. My wonderful husband also got me a gift and the most perfect card. He knows me well and knows that although I always want to buy scrapbook books and magazines but will never purchase them... So he did it for me.
Grandma Shelly & Breckan
My Mom and her Babies...

The Generations

My baby boy with his present for Mom

The BEST present ever!

Nana and Breckan

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He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!