About Me

My photo
My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boy, Oh Boy!!! I was Huge


So I recently ran across some of my pregnany pics that were taken as the due date was creeping up. I was pretty shocked to look back and see how HUGE I was. Keep in mind my due date was January 19th, However, I had him January 28th.

This picture is me at work on January 27th... the day before I went into labor.

(In the actual place my labor started... ha ha)

January 17th... two days before I was due.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Breckan is growing so fast and is beginning to get very curious. He loves to be sittin up and watching whats going on and also likes to stand. Because of this I have been wanting to get an Exersaucer or walker or anything to help him learn. After spending lots of time on KSL classifieds, we decided to just go to Walmart and buy him something new (can't be too safe with this Flu crap going around). We ended up getting him the Baby Einstein's Music and Lights Jumparoo, and he LOVES it! At first he just like to watch mom play with the frog that twirls and the rings that move up and down, but he has recently discovered the mirror and loves staring at himself. and liks the linking plastic chain rings also. He has started to"bounce" around in it a little and tries to stand frequently. It is so fun to watch him play and learn. He makes the cutest facial expressions while he concentrates.

My First Mother's Day with Breckan!!!

This... My very first Mother's Day as a new mom was an amazing day. Not only did I get to spend the day with my family but I got to feel the love of a Mother on this day. I woke up next to my loving husband and baby boy and started to get ready for breakfast with my Sami, My mom and my grandma. And I can downstairs to my little man with a Mother's day present.. Just for me. My wonderful husband also got me a gift and the most perfect card. He knows me well and knows that although I always want to buy scrapbook books and magazines but will never purchase them... So he did it for me.
Grandma Shelly & Breckan
My Mom and her Babies...

The Generations

My baby boy with his present for Mom

The BEST present ever!

Nana and Breckan

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Baby boy is three months old.

Breckan is growing so fast, and is becoming the smartest little boy. He is now doing "sit ups" while trying to pull his body up into the sit up position. He is "talking" like crazy and even mimics back the syllables of sentences, like "I love you". He also has developed an "adult laugh" instead of his previous coo of enjoyment. He holds his own bottle, and loves to play in his Exersaucer at grandma's house. I love watching him grow and learn. He is the most amazing baby ever.

(Grandma made the crown.)

For his 3 month birthday, Grandma Shelly had a little celebration for him. They had lots of fun together and he was exhausted by the end of the day from playing so much.

I am so thankful that I was blessed with Breckan, and even more thankful everyday that passes. Being a mother is the most amazing experience and the best feeling anyone could ever have. I never knew it could feel quite this good.

Monday, April 27, 2009

E a S t E r

This year Easter was very exciting for me, because it was Breckan's first Easter as well as his first big holiday (Valentine's Day and St. Patty's Day where his actual firsts). So I was so excited to wake up and show him the Easter basket the bunny brought for him. The Bunny didn't hide eggs this year because Tyson was spending the holiday with his mom, so I wasn't able to have that excitement. I swear Nick thought I was crazy talking to Breckan about what the Bunny brought him, but I know that Breckan was excited too... Even if he doesn't quite understand all this holiday stuff.
Yay...the Easter Bunny came.
He was still a little sleepy.

See... He was excited!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breckan is 2 months!!

On March 28th Breckan turned two months. We had his two month visit on April 10th and boy is he a big boy!!! He is 13.9 lbs. and is in the 90 percentile for Height & Weight. He also had to get his his immunizations, so the poor little one had 6 shots. He was such a big boy and only cried for a short time.

In the past few months he has learned tons. He laughs and smiles all day long. He loves to "talk" and play with his favorite keys. He is just a very happy, big boy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Breckan's a little sick

Well I haven't done well at keeping up with my blog and updating everyone about my little. I want to apologize and will do my best to keep up with it in the future. Little Breckan is growing like crazy and doing well for the most part. However, he has been pretty sick for the last week. We took him to three pediatrician visits and found out my baby boy has RSV. I was terrified when I heard this news, but we have just kept ourselves in quarantine at home and have just been making sure he gets lots of food, rest, and steam... Oh and tons of boogie removal sessions. (which he hates!!!) We had a check up today, to make sure all is well and he has been improving. He had better oxygen levels and clearer breathing, so it seems that he will be in tip top shape in the next week or so! I am so thankful that he was such a strong boy and we were able to take care of our little man in his comfortable home!!! Thanks for everyones care, concern, and loving phone calls and thanks to mom for cooking our dinner, even if you had to leave it at the doorstep!! ;)

My little angel is a month old!!!

My beautiful baby boy is a month old... and continues to be the most wonderful blessing to ever happen to me!!!

Week by week updates... Catch-up!!

When Breckan was born he weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. and was 20.5 inches long.

At his two week appointment he was 8 pounds and 13 oz. and 22 inches long. Which puts him at the 90% for height and 50% for weight. He has had such a healthy appetite and has been growing like crazy!

At three weeks he was weighed and as with the previous visit, he grew more!! Weighing in at 9 pounds and 7.5 oz.

Now at one month he weighs 10 pounds and 1 oz. and is growing into the perfect little man!!!

Bath Time.

My little boy is getting so big... and loves bath time. I think he actually just likes the feeling of warm water because he isn't at the age where he plays yet. He just coos as he lays in his baby tub and enjoys being washed by mom and dad. If he isn't laying in his baby tub, then he is enjoying the massage of a warm shower with mom.

Mom, do you mind?
All snuggled upI'm all clean!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm so in LOVE!!

My Baby boy is so perfect. I love to just stare at Breckan as much as I can. He's amazing. Even just watching him sleep, he grows and changes so much every minute. I absolutely love being a momma and enjoy every aspect of it. I have become more picture happy than I ever thought possible and have already taken over 50+ but I will post just a few to show how much he has changed each day.

4 days

Daddy & Breckan Sleeping

Breckan & Momma
Day 2 in the hospital
Daddy changing diaper
Day 2 in the hospital

He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!