Wow.. I have been awful at keeping up with my blog. However, I have been successful in my weight loss journey. I had co-started BFL (Big Fat Losers) with a good friend Savanna and followed that for sometime, but as work, families, school, and schedules started to interfere with the group, our team started to dwindle down to nothing. We ran in the Breast cancer 5K and also met up on Saturdays for walks and runs around Sugarhouse Park. As the team started to grow smaller and the meetings became less frequent, the motivation also began to drop. I knew I needed to do somwthing as my weight just seemed to hover right around where I was stuck. Not much in gains but also Little progress. So with little thought and much excitement I jumped back into Weight Watchers. I have been a member for 11 weeks and have lost 14 pounds, I have received my 5% and 10% marks and I am now working toward goal and ultimately become a lifetime member. Weight watchers has always been so good to me. I have 2 great girls to keep me on track, Wendi & Chellci, who are also on plan with me. It has been so great to feel the difference in my clothes and the encouraging comments that I receieve from loved ones. My next weekly weigh in is this coming Thursday. So in closing I have one request.... Wish me Skinny!