About Me

My photo
My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Amanda's Last Single Night!!!

Formerly known as Amanda Wells, Now Mrs. Eggertson had a celebration in her honor for her final days as a Single Lady! As her MOH, I got the excitement of planning her Bachelorette Party. We had an awesome time in Wendover. Just Mandy, Sarah and I all dolled up for some Gambling, Drinks, Dancing and FUN!!!

Pictures to come.. The computer crashed :(

Monday, September 27, 2010

A year of Local Trips

This year has been full of local trips so far. It has been so fun and we have been making great memories. In march Chellci and I took a weekend "girls trip" with the little ones. It was Breckan and I, Chellci and Joshua. We went to the Hole in the Rock. We walked through the petting zoo there and fed the animals. Our favorite was Walt the camel. Then we went through Canyonlands and Arches National Park. (It was free national parks weekend and we had to enjoy this gift). It was such a fun "quick trip".

MOAB- March 2010

Lake Powell

We went to Lake Powell in August with Dustin and Rachel and Rachel's sister, Angie and her Family. We stayed on their house boat and I had a blast. It was my first time ever being to Lake Powell and it was beautiful.
I learned to wakeboard and also knee board. Tyson also learned to knee board. We had such an incredible time.

(Again... pictures to come)

Utah State fair 2010

Utah's State Fair has come and gone. However, it was a lot of fun for my little man. I took him to the state fair this year, the first one he has been to. Him and I were just nursing a cold, so we didn't ride any rides. But we got to play in the little farm land and eat delicous Carnival food. We walked around for hours looking at the booths and hanging out with Chellci and her family. Chellci, Autumn and I made a cute little music video to Lady Marmalade from Moulin Rouge. It turned out really cute. We had so much fun on our lazy Sunday, just people watching and walking aound. Breckan got a Cute little Monkey Beanie that he can't wait to wear.

Barnum's Funundrum!!!

We went to the CIRCUS!!! We took Breckan to his 1st Circus, performed by the Ringling Brother's at the Energy Solutions Arena. It was so much fun, and I believe that Breckan thouroughly enjoyed it. He eyes lit up and he watched in amazement as the motorcycles drove in circles in the metal dome. Oohs and Ahhs, cooed from his direction. His fascination with the fire was a little frightening, however. ;)

My favorite part of the circus was the new baby elephant. So cute. As well as the "body benders", and the acrobats.

We went with Sarah, Karie and Ella and it was so fun to share with such great company.

A weight loss update...

Wow.. I have been awful at keeping up with my blog. However, I have been successful in my weight loss journey. I had co-started BFL (Big Fat Losers) with a good friend Savanna and followed that for sometime, but as work, families, school, and schedules started to interfere with the group, our team started to dwindle down to nothing. We ran in the Breast cancer 5K and also met up on Saturdays for walks and runs around Sugarhouse Park. As the team started to grow smaller and the meetings became less frequent, the motivation also began to drop. I knew I needed to do somwthing as my weight just seemed to hover right around where I was stuck. Not much in gains but also Little progress. So with little thought and much excitement I jumped back into Weight Watchers. I have been a member for 11 weeks and have lost 14 pounds, I have received my 5% and 10% marks and I am now working toward goal and ultimately become a lifetime member. Weight watchers has always been so good to me. I have 2 great girls to keep me on track, Wendi & Chellci, who are also on plan with me. It has been so great to feel the difference in my clothes and the encouraging comments that I receieve from loved ones. My next weekly weigh in is this coming Thursday. So in closing I have one request.... Wish me Skinny!

A chance at free Tickets to Disney on ICE!!

Visit Bargain Divas at Bargaindivas.com for all the details to be entered in for a chance at 4 tickets to Salt Lake City's showing of Disney On Ice presents Mickey & Minnies Magical Journey @ the Energy Solutions Arena. Performances begin November 11, 2010.

He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!