Breckan is growing so fast, and is becoming the smartest little boy. He is now doing "sit ups" while trying to pull his body up into the sit up position. He is "talking" like crazy and even mimics back the syllables of sentences, like "I love you". He also has developed an "adult laugh" instead of his previous coo of enjoyment. He holds his own bottle, and loves to play in his Exersaucer at grandma's house. I love watching him grow and learn. He is the most amazing baby ever.
(Grandma made the crown.)
For his 3 month birthday, Grandma Shelly had a little celebration for him. They had lots of fun together and he was exhausted by the end of the day from playing so much.
I am so thankful that I was blessed with Breckan, and even more thankful everyday that passes. Being a mother is the most amazing experience and the best feeling anyone could ever have. I never knew it could feel quite this good.