About Me

My photo
My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lot's of work ahead of us...

1.This our huge walk in closet 5' x 12'
2. Little hallway in the loft

3. Nick's soon-too-be climbing room.
4.Master bathroom connects to loft. 2 more rooms stem
off for the toilet & Laundry room.

5.This is half of the loft. A.K.A our bedroom. Our upstairs
area is 640 sq ft and makes up our bedroom, closet and
6. Our test colors. We ended up choosing a totally different color than shown! Ha ha

7. Blue patiently waiting for us to finish painting.
8. The kitchen

9. Nick mixing paint.

10.Half of the living room. We will be
ripping out the fireplace to re-do it.

Well we received keys to our condo on Friday and have been working in it everyday since. Including the entire holiday day on Monday. This is what we had to begin with and we expect to have a lot done by the time we move in... June 21. Although we will not have all of it done due the huge expenses we will incur fixing it up, we will continue to work on it little by little until we are perfectly happy and have our "dream home" complete. Our current project on the home is our stairs. We have ripped out the bottom of the stairs and made them appear to be "floating" it opened up some dead space and made our huge living room look even bigger. Prior to move in we plan on putting in wood or pergo flooring in the dining room and kitchen, and replacing all the fixtures, switch plates and outlet covers and begin the stone and stainless steel fireplace. So far we have painted and and have been working on the stairs. After we have moved in and have saved up the money we would like to finish pergo throughout and replace carpets in the two small bedrooms. We also plan on replacing or refinishing our cabinets, replacing counter tops and putting in bowl type wash basins, in our bathroom sinks. As well as much, much more ;) I will be putting up pictures to show our progress and keep everyone updated.

As I said before, It is definitely a fixer upper. But all I have to say is... "Lipstick and Rouge"

Bath Time

Nick's Bath...

Blue loves his Daddy!!! He loves him so much he gives him baths...

Trying to wake him up..
And he succeeded!!!
Now it's Blue's bathtime. He wasn't as good of a sport!!! But he listened well.He got washed and scrubbed, brushed and then we used his de-shedding tool. As well as a good teeth brushing. Now he is the most beautiful dog in town!!

"PLEASE.. Let me out!!"

Drying off... Shake...Shake...Shake!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Exciting News...

Well yesterday I go t the exciting news that the condo is now "our condo!" Yay... It came out of underwriting and all conditions were minor and taken care of in an afternoon, so I was able to close on it at 4:30 and now own the title of "HOMEOWNER" or maybe home debtor in this case. Ha ha... Oh well. I am so excited to make it ours, paint the walls, replace the flooring, and do everything we want with out asking permission. Thanks to everyone who was so supportive in the chapter of our life. Now that we have a home, lets get on with the wedding!! ;)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blue's New Toy

Blue got a new toy yesterday, which he was so excited and curious about when we brought it inside. Probably because his new toy is a TREADMILL! Most of you who know him, know that he is treadmill trained, but just hearing that he is trained and actually witnessing it are so different. Ha ha he is so funny the way he just wags his tail uncontrollably while doing an eight mile jaunt on the treadmill. ;) He are a couple pics from his first play time with his very own treadmill...

Notice he's waiting for me to start it up... So cute!

Gotta hook the leash... He just patiently waits :)

Starting to get a little tired.

He's on a roll...

This definitely helps us because he likes to run miles at a time and I just can't keep up. SO after I'm done walking him outside, if he's still not satisfied he can hop on his new toy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Engagement Pictures...

We finally got our engagement pictures taken. Sara did an amazing job. If anyone needs any pictures taken anytime soon, whether they be family, children, senior pics, engagements... contact this girl!!! Her link is under my fellow bloggers. Thanks again Sara.. Love ya girl!!!

She took somewhere around 45 pictures of us and I can't choose just one. I LOVE them all!!! I will post more soon. I promise! :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Deodorant Shopping

Tonight we had to make a pit stop, on the way home from my mom's. Nick and I both are in need of deodorant so we stopped at the new Harmon's by our house. Well in the process of deciding what deodorant or anti-perspirant we wanted, Tyson chimed in with... "Dad you should get this one. It says, super super no more stinky armpits. It's the best kind of Odorant..." Ha ha... he is so funny. Then when I asked him what it was called as pulling out my camera, he said... " It works for 60 hundred years so your armpits will never stink again." Sounds like some strong stuff.. Huh? So first thing tomorrow I'm looking for some ad agencies in need of a new advertising slogan. I'm certain it is his calling!!! ;)

Here we go again...

Yet another post about our future home... So this weekend we put in another offer on a possible home. We are looking into buying a Murray Condo. It is a 1500 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, two level, loft style condo. It is definitely a "fixer-upper" but it has some amazing potential. I am super excited and I am crossing my fingers for the best outcome. The offer was accepted and now we are just waiting for the appraisal and the inspection to pass. SO with all our fingers and toes crossed, and all our hopes and prayers, we are hoping for amazing results!!!

He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!