About Me

My photo
My husband, Nick and I got married on June 30, 2008. I have two dogs, Blue & Chica. My Husband and I have two beautiful boys. Tyson is 8. He is so adorable, smart, cute, and always seems to be learning something new everyday. Breckan just turned two. He is the most beautiful Not-so-baby boy I have ever seen, and seems to grow faster than I can keep up. I have been working in the housing industry for ten years and currently help in managing a 264 unit apartment complex, while Nick owns a carpet care company.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

SO today is my ABSOLUTE favorite holiday. Always has been. Well I was a little disappointed that I was gonna be so HUGE this year, because at work we pick a theme, and we had chosen Disney Princesses. Now, I know I can find a costume to fit (even if it is Plus size), but I'm not sure how people will feel about a pregnant Snow White. Well, last minute Holly changed the theme to Cowboys and Indians and with help from my mom (she sewed the costume, and some Jewelry making by "moi"...It didn't turn half bad!! Huge baby bump and all! So here are some of our fun COWBOYS & INDIAN pictures from work. Thanks again mom!!! Holly as a Cowboy

Lidia, my fellow Indian

Adagio @ Corner Canyon

Adagio 2008

Lidia's Rain Dance


My PowWow Dance

And More dancing...

Weston is a Cowboy

Michelle is a Cowboy.. Missing her hat

Touch up my War Paint

Wendy- The cowboy Sheriff

It's Been Awhile...

Well It's been a long while since I got married and I'm slowly gathering more and more pictures from my happy event. SO here are a few more pictures from our happy day, thanks to Ms. Holly!!

My Beautiful Girls

After the Ceremony

Beautiful Sarah

Tyson & Ella- He's holding the pocket watch we gave him during the ring exchange.
We wanted him to feel like it was a celebration for him too, of our family coming together.

Holly Fixing Tyson

The Pond under the waterfall

Smells pretty- Can you believe Nick's mom made this... Gorgeous!

Tyson & Ella

Tyson with the Vance sisters (Stacie & Holly)

Holly and her Flip Flops...
My Bridesmaids were adorable!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Name Game...

Now you all know how it goes... Jenni Benni bo benni, banana fana fo fenni, Mi My Mo Menni, Jenni!!! However that is not the name game I speak of!! :) I am talking about the baby naming process. We have been throwing around names for awhile now, well since we found out what we are having, and it's been a tough decision. After much debate and little agreement I think we have chosen a name for our baby boy.

So baby Breckan Alan Gamble is so excited to meet you all!!!

Thank you...

SO the Baby Bump contest ended and unfortunately I did not win nor was I a runner up. But I wanted to be sure to thank everyone for your support and votes. I really appreciated it. So thank you so much and maybe i'll have better luck with the next contest. ;)

Love you all and thanks again!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Please pick my BABY BUMP!

The 97.1 Baby Bump contest has begun.  Voting officially starts Friday @7 AM. (tomorrow)

I would be so grateful if everyone could vote for me, contestant #88, and also ask any friends and family members to help out as well! 

I think voting ends on the 25th so please don't hesitate.  Our future nursery is in your hands. ;)

Thanks so much...

(www.971zht.com is where you go to vote.  Only one vote per email address is permitted.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

BaBy BuMp

So slowly this little boy wants to make his presence very noticeable.  First through my horrible skin and now more so through my ever growing belly!  Somedays I think people are still unsure whether I'm pregnant or just a chunky monkey, but other days it pretty obvious.  Either way here is a picture of my little love making himself comfortable in his temporary home.

4 Month Belly

5 Month Belly

Friday, September 5, 2008

Babies Nursery...

I have been searching for cute nursery ideas for a boy.  I have an idea of what I'd like to do, but would like any advice.  We would like to do something modern, but I also want it to be comfortable and baby friendly.  I wanted to stay away from Baby blue because it is so typical and I;m sure I'll be bombarded with this color at some point of my babies life anyway, so I was thinking of a nice green color.  After doing some reading, however, I learned that Blue is actually extremely stimulating for children, and green is good too.  SO I think maybe i'll do a good mix of colors.  This is a nursery I found and LOVE!!!!  If anyone has any input or cute ideas, please let me know.  I'd love to hear it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's A Boy!!!!

Today we found out we are having a baby boy. Tyson will be so excited to finally have a brother!! We also found out that I am further along than expected. My new due date is January 19th, 2009.

Here are some pics of our handsome man....

This is our baby.

Profile of his face...(it got double exposed)  :(

It's a Boy!!!
His Tiny Feet..

The doctor said everything looks great, his organs look good and his heart rate is great.  He is about 10 oz and 10 inches.  We are so excited to welcome our little guy home.  But I think I'll let him cook a little longer to make sure he's well done!!! ;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our wedding day!!! June 30, 2008

We finally got our pictures... There will be more to come when I get the time to upload them, but here is a sneak peak!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I say finally for many reasons....

Finally we are in our condo. We moved in the last weekend in June and have been doing repairs and stuff to make it look cute and feel like home.

I am FINALLY Mrs. Gamble! Nick and I had a beautiful wedding on Monday, June 30th. Thank you for everyone who attended and a special thanks for everybody who worked so hard to make it so perfect!!!

And Lastly.... Finally to starting our family. We are so blessed to have Tyson, he is such an amazing, and smart boy. I love spending time with him and am so happy to be giving him a sibling!!! Yes... As most everyone knows now, I am having a baby! We couldn't be happier than we are right now with how perfect life is!!!

Well I have LOADS of pictures to post so as soon as my Internet is connected I will get on it!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

10 days & Counting!!

With weeks of work behind us and so much more to go, I am getting super excited and anxious to move in. We are covered at our townhome in Draper thru the 21st, which is why we are in crunch time!!! We just purchased the Pergo flooring for the kitchen & dining room. It is light Maple. Nick has been correcting all the painting boo-boos and the stairs are "FINALLY" finished, aside from some painting that is desperately needed. I am so excited to have everything completed and done. Just the way we want it, but that will not be for years to come. Tonight I think I'll purchase some flowers and pots to bring some welcoming spirit to our new balcony!! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday...Cruz, Jeremy, and ME!!!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!

I come from a very large family and am blessed to have 20-30 cousins on the Sanchez side. I am also lucky enough to share my birthday with two of them... Cruz and Jeremy.

Cruz (known as my "Twin cousin") is currently serving his country in New York and Jeremy is living here in Utah.

Cruz was born on the same day as me and is 25... a quarter of a century old (like me)!
Jeremy is celebrating his 28th birthday today!!
Celebrating our birthday together 23 years ago!!!

I want to wish both of my awesome cousins a happy birthday!!! I love you guys.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lot's of work ahead of us...

1.This our huge walk in closet 5' x 12'
2. Little hallway in the loft

3. Nick's soon-too-be climbing room.
4.Master bathroom connects to loft. 2 more rooms stem
off for the toilet & Laundry room.

5.This is half of the loft. A.K.A our bedroom. Our upstairs
area is 640 sq ft and makes up our bedroom, closet and
6. Our test colors. We ended up choosing a totally different color than shown! Ha ha

7. Blue patiently waiting for us to finish painting.
8. The kitchen

9. Nick mixing paint.

10.Half of the living room. We will be
ripping out the fireplace to re-do it.

Well we received keys to our condo on Friday and have been working in it everyday since. Including the entire holiday day on Monday. This is what we had to begin with and we expect to have a lot done by the time we move in... June 21. Although we will not have all of it done due the huge expenses we will incur fixing it up, we will continue to work on it little by little until we are perfectly happy and have our "dream home" complete. Our current project on the home is our stairs. We have ripped out the bottom of the stairs and made them appear to be "floating" it opened up some dead space and made our huge living room look even bigger. Prior to move in we plan on putting in wood or pergo flooring in the dining room and kitchen, and replacing all the fixtures, switch plates and outlet covers and begin the stone and stainless steel fireplace. So far we have painted and and have been working on the stairs. After we have moved in and have saved up the money we would like to finish pergo throughout and replace carpets in the two small bedrooms. We also plan on replacing or refinishing our cabinets, replacing counter tops and putting in bowl type wash basins, in our bathroom sinks. As well as much, much more ;) I will be putting up pictures to show our progress and keep everyone updated.

As I said before, It is definitely a fixer upper. But all I have to say is... "Lipstick and Rouge"

Bath Time

Nick's Bath...

Blue loves his Daddy!!! He loves him so much he gives him baths...

Trying to wake him up..
And he succeeded!!!
Now it's Blue's bathtime. He wasn't as good of a sport!!! But he listened well.He got washed and scrubbed, brushed and then we used his de-shedding tool. As well as a good teeth brushing. Now he is the most beautiful dog in town!!

"PLEASE.. Let me out!!"

Drying off... Shake...Shake...Shake!!!

He stole my heart... and I didn't mind a bit!